Preventing discrimination, harassment,
and sexual misconduct is everyone's job!

Sexual harassment and sex discrimination is:

    • not allowed
    • illegal
    • against EGSC’s policies, rules, and regulations

What you deserve:

    • To live, learn, and work in a place that promotes
      • integrity
      • civility
      • mutual respect
    • Effective prompt and private response if you experience discrimination

The Title IX Coordinator handles all complaints under the Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy for students, faculty, and staff.

What sort of complaints?

Contact the Title IX Coordinator if you need to complain about:
        • Sexual harassment
        • Dating violence
        • Domestic violence
        • Someone stalking you
        • Behavior targeted toward you based on your gender-identity or pregnancy.
        • Retaliation against you if you make or assist someone with a complaint.

How to make a complaint:

In person:

Sherrie HelmsSherrie Helms

Associate Vice President for Student Conduct & Title IX
Shot Strange Clubhouse
Phone: 478-289-2360

Cynthia ReeseCynthia Reese

Assistant Director of Student Conduct & Title IX Deputy Coordinator
JAM Center Room B104
Phone: 478-289-2152

Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
(Except as noted on the college’s Academic Calendar)

How else can you make a report or complaint?

Who investigates a complaint?

EGSC employees with advanced training.

The current Title IX investigators are:

        • Tayla Brown, Student Success Coach
        • Meghan Crews, Library Director
        • Bonnie Nash, Assistant Director of Admissions - Processing
        • Georgia Sanders, Director of Retention
        • Jessica Todd, Associate Professor

Who can assist you with a Title IX complaint?

EGSC Trained Title IX Advisor Pool

      • Tayla Brown, Student Success Coach
      • Meghan Crews, Library Director
      • Jaehyuk Lee, Associate Professor
      • Bonnie Nash, Assistant Director of Admissions - Processing
      • Georgia Sanders, Director of Retention
      • Breana Simmons, Professor
      • Astraea Thigpen, Interim Institutional Services Coordinator
      • Jessica Todd, Professor
      • Jeffrey  Waller, Academic Center for Excellence Testing Coordinator

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a broad federal law prohibiting gender-based discrimination in educational institutions receiving federal funds.  It prohibits gender-based discrimination in all college programs and activities, including admissions, athletics, employment, housing, financial aid, recruitment, clubs and organizations.

Title IX protection from discrimination extends to faculty, staff and students.  It includes such things as: sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, gender-identity and pregnancy. It also prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes or participates in a complaint.

Where can you read EGSC's full policy on discrimination?

You can read, download, or print EGSC’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy.

More questions about how Title IX works at EGSC?

From launching sexual assault awareness campaigns and anti-violence initiatives to implementing non-discrimination policies and wellness programs, East Georgia State College will continue to actively support and protect the campus community’s overall well-being. Everyone’s help is vital to these efforts and greatly appreciated.

Any inquiries about the application of Title IX or to make a report should be directed to the following:

Sherrie Helms
Associate Vice President for Student Conduct & Title IX
JAM Center – B163
Phone: 478-289-2360
Fax: 478-289-2136


Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
Telephone: 1-800-421-3481
FAX: 202-453-6012;
TDD: 1-800-877-8339

2022 Training Materials

2020-21 Training Materials


    • All of the services provided by the Office of Title IX are private and confidential.
    • Any information about your contact with our office will not become part of your academic record.
    • We cannot release any information about your discipline record to any office or individual without your consent.

When does confidentiality end?

    • If we need to tell someone to protect you or others
    • If we’re required by law

How will you know if that happens?

Before we release any information about you, we will make every attempt to talk with you.